Friday, December 17, 2010

December Update

December started out a little sluggish, but I had a big night a couple of nights ago. I shipped the 4pm $162 on Stars for 14.7k, got 4th in the 50 cubed at 1030pm on Tilt for $2.8k, 2nd in Big Double B on Tilt for 1.9k, and got 3rd in the 101 Heads Up Hyper Turbo on Stars for 1.6k. I'm up around 11.5k on the month to this date after the big night. I have put in over 460 MTT's already this month. Not sure how much more I'll play with me leaving for Vegas on Tuesday to go watch IU play some basketball and with the holidays coming up.

In my last blog I talked about moving out, I still plan to but apparently the place I'm wanting to move into hasn't been remodeled yet so the move in date has been set back. I'm hoping for it to be done sometime in January and hopefully before I leave for Biloxi on the 17th. Notre Dame gets to play vs Miami on New Years Eve in their bowl game. Hopefully the defense played like it did to finish the year and I think well be alright. I hope everyone has a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year since I probably won't post before the new year.
