Monday, November 2, 2009

Update from the WSOP-C

I ended up only playing two more events at the circuit. I played the $345 turbo on Wednesday and lasted fairly deep busting around 45th out of 180 entrants. I ran AQ into AK for around 23 BB. I also went deep in the 1k event on Friday busting 28th out of 132. I got my money in dead there with KQ vs KK all in preflop in a late position battle. I haven't played much online since my last update, except last Wednesday. I got 7th in the 33 rebuy on Full Tilt for a total of five final tables in that tourney last month. I also got 16th in the Full Tilt 50 cubed losing QQ vs JJ and TT all in preflop for a huge chiplead. I played a few sit-n-go's today and won a $48+4 90 person one for $1150. I might try putting in a session tomorrow afternoon. I have a EGD scheduled for Wednesday on my throat and doubt I'll be able to play. I'm hoping I can since FTOPS starts up at 9pm that night. I'm definately going to play on Thursday and possibly Friday. That about sums it up.

Take it easy,

P.S. Claussen for Heisman!!

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