Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Why I hate the game called poker

I took quite some time off at the end of March and alot of April just for the pure fact of hatrid towards the game of poker. It's not really the bad beats or anything like thats it's just I don't have the passion to play like I once did. I shouldn't say I hate poker in general, I love to play live but have gotten tired of online play. It has become almost dreadful to have to sit and play in front of the computer all day. I find myself to become bored quickly and just can't stand it really. I would really like to see myself traveling alot within the next couple of years but that seems highly doubtful. Well enough whining, I got some notes from tournaments I played last night.

I played around 6-10 tournaments last night. I was doing really well in the full tilt 35k and went deep. With 16 left I was sitting around 6/16. I picked up AA utg and raised it up and got called from the BB who had called my last utg raise from the BB as well. The flop came KJ4 and he checked to me I led and he raised. I thought about it for awhile and was deciding on whether to just flat and try to trap him or just shove. I end up calling and the turn brought a T. He end up shoving in and I called and he showed me KJ. The river brought no such luck and I was out 16th. In the stars 22 rebuy I built up a pretty good stack. I ended up getting AA allin preflop vs KK and couldn't get it to hold. I ended up busting right in the money when I ran A8 into AJ in a blind battle for 30 BB. I have a cute hand history from the stars 162 from last night too.....
Dealt to K-Rock2525 [Qs Qc]
jdgobucks: folds
RGAWAY: folds
propokerkid1: raises 1600 to 1700 and is all-in
K-Rock2525: raises 60 to 1760 and is all-in
VARICO: folds
thebighouse6: folds
1BigAceHole: folds
honeyhocream: folds
PlopPlopPlop: folds
*** FLOP *** [Ac 9c 3s]
*** TURN *** [Ac 9c 3s] [6s]
*** RIVER *** [Ac 9c 3s 6s] [8s]
*** SHOW DOWN ***
propokerkid1: shows [7d Td] (a straight, Six to Ten)
K-Rock2525: shows [Qs Qc] (a pair of Queens)
propokerkid1 collected 3550 from pot
propokerkid1 said, "BYE"

The guy has the nerve to say BYE after a horrid play. Also, I just doubled through this guy like the orbit before when blinds were at 25-50 and he raised to 150 on the button and I shoved in 900 from the sb with ATo and he snap called me with K5o. I have one more hand history and this one is from the full tilt 50/50...
The button is in seat #1
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to K-Rock2525 [Kc Qd]
RicardoDB folds
cashsimmons has returned
K-Rock2525 raises to 120
Adrius280506 folds
cashsimmons folds
jadedjason folds
NutsErryTime folds
dmkay folds
Gigaloff calls 100
Nyteride calls 80
*** FLOP *** [3s 4d Qc]
Gigaloff checks
Nyteride bets 360
K-Rock2525 calls 360
Gigaloff folds
*** TURN *** [3s 4d Qc] [2s]
Nyteride bets 720
K-Rock2525 raises to 1,505, and is all in
Nyteride calls 785
K-Rock2525 shows [Kc Qd]
Nyteride shows [6c 6h]
*** RIVER *** [3s 4d Qc 2s] [5s]
K-Rock2525 shows a pair of Queens
Nyteride shows a straight, Six high
Nyteride wins the pot (4,090) with a straight, Six high
K-Rock2525 stands up
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot 4,090 | Rake 0
Board: [3s 4d Qc 2s 5s]
Seat 1: dmkay (button) didn't bet (folded)
Seat 2: Gigaloff (small blind) folded on the Flop
Seat 3: Nyteride (big blind) showed [6c 6h] and won (4,090) with a straight, Six high
Seat 4: RicardoDB didn't bet (folded)
Seat 5: K-Rock2525 showed [Kc Qd] and lost with a pair of Queens

I just flatted the flop when he bet the pot hoping for another potsized bet on the turn. I got in good but couldn't get it to hold. Well enough about poker, onto what I have planned for the next couple of days.

Tommorow I have mens league out at the golf course. I'm going to play at 1 with a couple of other guys than I have league at 3 o'clock and 5:50. Should be a fun day and I hope I play well. On Friday, I'm going to the Kentucky Oaks with a good friend of mine. I went last year and it was one of the best days of the year. Hopefully I'll make it on TV again this year. Than on Saturday I'm going to a Kentucky Derby party which should be a good time. After that I have another party to go to that evening. So the next couple of days should be alot of fun. Well I'll let ya go, take it easy.

Monday, April 28, 2008

Alabama Golf Trip and Poker

I haven't updated in forever and It's mostly been because I haven't played any poker at all. I've been on the golf course alot. I left for Alabama on the 20th with 15 other guys and came home on the 25th. It was a really good time altogether and I put together a couple of solid rounds. I shot 81 one day on a par 72 with a triple bogey and 3 double bogeys. Would have been an excellent round if not for a couple of bad holes. I also shot 86 one day on a par 72 course which was the hardest course we played. I had a quad bogey and a triple bogey on front side along with a couple of double bogeys on the back. We played some poker a couple of nights down there and lost around 25 bucks. We played a bunch of 7 card and 5 card stud.

On the poker front, I decided to play some tournaments last night instead of going to a friends house for the wrestling pay per view event. I started out with the Stars second chance, and it was going real well for a while. I ended up losing four straight flips to bust out. Also, I played the 7 pm 109 in which I flatted a raise with AA trying to trap and the flop came TT9. I checked out of the SB, he led into me and I raised all in and he quickly called with JT. That knocked me down to around 6 BB and ended up losing AK vs 99 all in preflop against the same guy with JT. I built up a pretty good stack in the tilt 163 65k at 8. I ended up cashing this tournament but not for much as I lost 88 vs QQ all in preflop for 20 BB. In the tilt 33 rebuy, I ended up getting 5th for a little over $1800. I came into the final table 9/9 and at one point was 1/9. I won AK vs 33 all in preflop than I won a massive pot with AQ vs AJ all in preflop, where the board ran out JJ3TK. I ended up running A8 into AK for alot of chips in a button vs BB battle. Then I lost A3 vs K5 which would of busted a player and given me some chips to work with. I was left with .5 of a BB and busted out the next hand. At the same time I was at the final table of the tilt 33 rebuy, I built a big stack in the stars 22 rebuy. I was sitting 3/14 but end up busting out 14th. I ran AT into AQ vs a shortstack. Then I lost AJ vs 99 for a bunch of chips. Then I raised with 55 with around 15 BB and a player 3 bets me who was aggresive and I ended up sticking my chips in and he shows 98o. Obviously I lose that race. I made a pretty good profit on the day but still disappointing when you build stacks like I did and didn't get the big score. Oh well, there are more tournaments starting up every couple of minutes and I plan on playing some tonight. I got some stuff I got to get done before playing tonight, so I'll talk at ya later.

Monday, April 14, 2008

WSOP Indiana Event #10 and Event #11

I have been really busy over the last couple of days and haven't got the chance to update on these two tournies. Event #10 was a 300+40 buyin starting with 2500 in chips. Now this tournament with the structure doesn't allow much play. I got AA cracked within the first 5 minutes by KJo and was down to 1500 quickly. I was lucky I didn't go broke as I feel I lost about the minimum. I built my stack back up 2200 with the blinds moving to 25-50. I limp called a raise with 96s against a manaic after 3 others came in also. The flop came 952 with 2 hearts and it checked around to the original raiser who led out 500 and it folded to me and I thought for around 30 seconds and ended up shoving in around 2k total. He thought for a while and he ended up calling with 77. The turn brought a third heart...he had the 7 of hearts...river came the fourth heart to complete his runner runner heart draw. I hate busting out early in events especially to donks. haha

Event #11 was a 1000+60 buyin and was a really good structure. Each player started out with 5k in chips and 50 minute levels. This is one of the events I've looked forward to the most because of how much play it has. The tourney started with 241 players and it ended up being 73k to win plus a 5k main event seat. I ended up making 3 big laydowns early on that two of them the players showed and had me beat but not sure about the other. I had 98s in the BB at the 25-50 level and the utg player came in for a raise and two more callers so I called. The flop came JT6 with 2 hearts, I checked, the original raiser led out for around half the pot came back to me and I called. The turn was the prettiest card in the deck which was the 7 clubs. I checked with the intention of checkraising and he checked behind. The river was the 3 hearts completing a possible flush. I ended up leading for around 800 and the player thought and made it right around 2300 and I didn't take long to fold and mucked it face up. He never showed his cards, but I think this early on in a tourney and no real reads on the player I thought it was best to muck here, as I don't see him doing this with anything less than the nut flush. The two other laydowns I made were where I flopped top pair top kicker and mucked on the river, the guy showed me where he had flopped two pair out of the BB. The other one is where I flopped top pair with a K kicker and I mucked on the turn of JT32, and he showed me JT. After those three pots I was down to around 3100 in chips. I ended up winning a pretty decent pot with AJ on a J93 board and the guy mucked to my checkraise on the flop. I built my stack back up to 5k right at first break. About 20 minutes into the 50-100 level, I picked up 55 utg and decided to limp, 4 other players joined in. The flop came AQ5 with 2 hearts. I decided to check as I thought someone behind had to of had an A. Well it checked all the way around. The turn brought the T of spades. I led 400, a player just flatted the 400, than a guy who was involved in literally almost every pot made it 2k to go, it came back to me and I tanked for 2 minutes, I wasn't debating a fold ever, but I wanted it to look like I had a tough decision. I ended up shoving in for around 5k total, and the player who just called the 400, instantly calls and I know im beat. The flop raiser now tanks for another 2 minutes and ends up calling with AQ lol, AQ in that spot is never good, are you kidding? haha. The guy who never raised and called both bets had it with KJ. The river brought no help and I busted early out of this tourney as well. This is maybe one of the sickest hands I've ever been in. First, I decide to slowplay and than the player with AQ decides to slowplay on the button with top two pair. If I lead on the flop or he bets out on the flop, I end up taking all his chips and would have a great stack of 10.5k. Oh well, that is how poker goes and I feel like I played great this whole circuit and even though I turned a profit it is disappointing in the financial column to play what I think might be the best poker I've ever played for two weeks. Also, congrats to mattster for placing 6th in the 1k event for just a bit over 11k. I know he is probably disappointed to as he lost JJ vs A2 all in preflop for 525k in chips 8 handed when there was only 1.2 million in chips in play. He would of had a dominating chiplead and no doubt the best player at the final table. Well I think it about sums it up, I'll talk at ya later

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

WSOP Indiana Event #9

Well I went down to Caesars again today to play the 500+50 buyin 1/2 holdem 1/2 omaha. Me and Mattster got seated at the same table. The tournament started out with 100 players and 3500 starting chips. I started out kind of rocky early on but hit a groove in holdem and quickly found my stack up to 9k at 1st break with around 85 players left. I continued my hot start during the holdem session when I limped with J9hh after two limpers at the 100-200 level. The flop was KQT with 2 spades. A player led out for 700 and I made it 2400 to go and the player snap called me with only around 3k back. The turn was a pretty red 3 and the player quickly checked and I put him all, he tanked and called with KQ and I held up. That put me up to around 14.5k going into the omaha 150-300 level. I limped JT87 double suited from the small blind after 3 limpers. The flop came 976 with 2 spades but none of my suit. I ended up checkraising a guy all in and he quickly called with AT85 with 2 spades but I rivered the 8 non spade to scoop the pot. I got incredibly lucky to win this pot let alone chop it as he was basically freerolling it. I went on break with around 20k with around 34 left feeling really good about my chances as I had to of been top 3 if not chipleader. They paid 18 in the event and I was average in the money. Then all hell broke loose after the break. Blinds are 200-400 and we started out with holdem. I raised KQdd under the gun to 1100 and a loose aggresive player with 17k who was also top 5 in chips called. The flop was gin with it coming JT9 with 2 hearts. I led out 1600 and he quickly called. The turn card brought a J and I checked to him with the intention of checkraising him. He instantly goes allin for 14.5k and I snapped him. The player goes "oh S@#* !!!" and wouldn't flip his cards over until the river had peeled. He flips up 99 for the turned boat and I wasn't too happy as I thought I had it the way he acted. I ended up being down to around 4k in chips or so and ended up busting in the omaha portion at 300-600. This has to of been maybe the most disapointing live tourney I've played except for maybe the 1k wpt event in Tunica where I dusted off a huge stack after dinner break. That pot would of put me around 39k-40k in chips when the average at the final table would of been 35k and this is with around 30 players left! Oh well, I'm going to probably go down and play the 300+40 event tommorrow and give it all I got. Well I'll keep it updated, later.

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

WSOP Indiana Event #8 and Online cash

I went down with mattster today and played in Event #8 at Caesars. It was a 500+50 buyin 6 max NL today. The tourney started out pretty good with me chipping up to 5500 from the 3500 starting stack. I missed a couple of draws right before break though and was down to 3800 at 1st break. 3rd hand back after break I raised QQ to 300 at 50-100 in the cutoff and the sb called. The flop came 732 and he checked and I led 400, he made it 1200, and I shoved and he ends up folding. I took down another nice pot when I won a flip with AK vs QQ all in preflop and was up to 8200 in chips going into the 100-200 level. I made it 550 to go with KQ utg+1 and the sb called. A little information on this player, I had raised 4 times in the first 2 levels and he 3 bet me twice. The flop came K64 and he led into me for 700 and I just called. Turn was a 9 and he leads for 2500, I think for a second and end up shoving and he tanks and calls me with AK. So that was a pretty sick spot in my opinion as I thought there was no way he could have AK in that spot just flat calling preflop after he had 3 bet me twice. Kind of disappointing as this was the tourney I was looking forward to the most.

I ended up coming out of my 2 week hiatus tonight and played some online cash for the first time in a long time. I wish I hadn't of, as I truly got rocked. I ended up dropping $1700 on the night in a little span. Most of it coming in the 5/10 NL Cap game on full tilt which I usually crush when I play. First hand I played, guy opens to 30 who seemed on tilt as he had just lost 2 allins, so I end up shoving 300 which is the cap with 66, and Aaron "GambleAB" Bartley snap calls out of the BB with 33. Well he spikes a 3 on the flop and I couldn't catch up and the $652 dollar pot got shipped his way. How he got a full tilt contract is beyond me, as he plays terrible everytime I've played with him. I guess that is why his nickname is "GambleAB" because obviously he likes to gamble hardcore. I usually don't talk bad about anyone but for someone who lucks into a contract like him and plays so bad is absurd. WelL enough about that, I'm heading down to Caesars tommorow to play Event #9 which is a 500+50 buyin 1/2 holdem 1/2 omaha. Also, the Alabama golf trip is right around the corner on the 20th and I'm so ready to play. Wish me luck, later.

Saturday, April 5, 2008

WSOP Indiana Event #3 and Event #5

WSOP Event #3 was this past Thursday and it was a 500+50 buyin. It got a pretty decent field with 261 players and it was 38.9k plus a 5k main event seat. The structure was so much better than the 300+40 buyin. I really never got awhole lot going on early in this tournament until around the 300-600 level. I just got moved to the table and within the first 20 minutes I noticed how it might of been the tightest table ever. I ended up raising 3 out of the last 4 hands before dinner break and increased my stack from around 10k to 16.3k. After dinner though I got moved and I wasn't too happy as I was planning on running the table over. I ended up getting moved to alot crazier table. I just kind of laid back and maintained my stack for the remaining of the 400-800 level. We were approaching the bubble and I started picking up my aggression once the table started to tighten. I was raising 4 out of 5 hands and noone was playing back at me. There was a couple of times where I raised without looking at my cards. I built my stack from like 17k-75k without ever showing down except I won AJ vs 86 all in preflop vs a shortstack. Than with 28 left and only 27 paying I opened J2o utg and the guy on my immediate left 3 bets me and the guy behind him 4 bets and I obviously insta mucked and the guy who 3 bet me was priced in to call the guys 4 bet and the 3 bettor showed 96o and the 4 bettor had AA. AA held up on the hand by the way, but there will be some more hands involving the 3 bettor. I just kept raising and raising even when we got in the money as people were playing so tight. With about 21 left I pulled a sick bluff on a guy in a blind battle. I limped in from the sb with T9o and he checked his option. The flop comes AQ8 with 2 hearts. I lead for 3k and he raises it to 8k, I thought about coming over the top there but decided to just call because I thought he was super weak. The turn card was the K and I checked and he bet 15k and I instantly shoved on him and he tanked for 2 minutes and he folded and I showed the T high bluff. I actually spoke to the kid today and he said he only had an 8. I kept playing aggressive and we were down to 14 when the following hand took place. I raised 62s utg to 8k at 1500-3k and the 3 bettor who 3 bet me with 96o comes in for another 3 bet this time he makes it 28k I think and it came back to me and I shoved in my stack knowing he was just trying to make the final table and he would lay alot of hands down to me. He tanked for like 2 minutes and folded AQ face up and I had to show the 62s. He was furious and lucky for him we went on break after that or I think he would of tilted off his entire stack. We got to the final table pretty quick after break. I went into the final table 2nd in chips. The chipleader was on my right and busted the last 3 guys to get to the final table. The final table was pretty uneventful for me as I really never got any hands and the players started playing back at me more as they thought I was a manaic. We were down to 7 when a player raised half his stack where he only had like 9 BB and I gambled and shoved on him with 22 and he called with 98s and I won the flip. Than things got bad. That flip put me right at the chiplead. A good online player was the shortstack with like 88k at 6k-12k and he shoves in his stack and I wake up with QQ behind him, bad timing for me as he obviously would have KK in that spot. That put me down to 147k which was 5/5 but I was one double away from having the chiplead. The same player with KK shoves 133k from the button and I snap AQ out of the sb vs him and he showed 55 and I lost the flip crippling me as I only had 1 BB and was out next hand when I went in with Q8 and the BB had KQ. 5th place was good for $7200. Not a bad day, but very frustrating when you know there is that much money at the top and I had the chips to win.

I skipped the 300+40 buyin on Friday as Me and Matt didn't get back into Brownstown until about 4:30 in the morning. I played in Event #5 today and I built my 3500 stack up over 8k by the 100-200 level and was feeling pretty good. I ended up checkraising a guy all in with a flush draw and he called with top pair and I couldn't hit. That put me down to around 4k. Not much really happened after that though and I ended up squeezing the cutoff raiser and button caller with 33 with 3300in chips at 100-200 with 25ante. I had a bad feeling obviously when both snap called. The board ran out AT922 and they checked it down. The original raiser mucks his cards before we ever flip ours over, but the coldcaller had KK so gg me. On Friday night, I played some blackjack with castellimich and my friend Luke. Me and castellimich decided to put in 500 apiece and play one hand. We were up in the high limit room and it was the first time I had ever been in there. So I'm pretty nervous until we get 20 with the dealer showing a 9 and than he flipped up a pretty T. Well castellimich wanted to keep playing but I took my 500 profit and ran, obviously he ends up winning the next six hands but lost the next one and he quit. He ended up profiting 3k. So I basically cost myself 3k by being a sissy. Me, Castellimich, Luke, and another guy I hung out with who was Fred all decided to go down to 4th street live in Louisville. This is an amazing place and if you have never been you have to go check it out. I won't get into the details but I spent around 400 bucks and it was worth every penny as I've never seen anything like it. We had a real good time and ended up going to three different bars. We went to Howl at the Moon, Sullys, and I can't think of the name of the first bar we were at but it was a country bar. I liked the country bar the best as that was where all the exciting stuff happened. Well it's getting late and I'm starting to ramble so goodnight.

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

WSOP Indiana Event #2

Well I ended up playing in the WSOP event today which was a 300+40 buyin 1/2 holdem 1/2 omaha. I had my doubts playing in this event because I have little experience in omaha. I actually think I played really well in omaha today though. The structure was alot better today in this event than it was in the tournament yesterday. They had a 75-150 level and a 150-300 level which yesterday didn't have. I started out pretty good and ended up having 5500 in chips at first break. Each player started with 2500 in chips so it was a good start. I called a raise after 2 callers with JJ97 3 suited in the omaha portion. The flop came out KJ3 with 2 clubs, which I didn't have clubs. A very good player led out 300 and I decided to pot it to 1800 on such a draw heavy flop and a player behind goes allin. The original bettor ends up folding and I had to call another 600 in chips I believe. He flipped up AA9x with the club draw. He ended up rivering an A but I hit the backdoor flush draw to scoop the pot. I pretty much maintained my stack the rest of the day until the last hand of the 150-300 level which was PLO and I started the hand with 5300 in chips. There was 3 limpers in the pot and I decided to limp A763 double suited from the sb. The flop was A74 rainbow with me flopping top 2 pair, a gutshot straight draw, and a backdoor club flush draw. I decided to check, with the intention of checkraising, the bb led out 1500 which was a potsized bet, folds to the last limper who just calls and I decided to shove my stack as I thought I had the best hand. The BB ends up calling and shows me 4429 and I couldn't suckout. I was really happy with my play overall today as I really never got any premium hands. I'll be playing in Event #3 tommorow which is a 500+50 buyin. Well I'll let ya know how that goes, cya later.

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

WSOP Indiana Event #1 and Tom Crean!!!!

I showed up a couple hours early as Event #1 has usually had a ton of alternates. Obviously I show up 2 hours early and there ended up being zero alternates. Todays tourney was a 300+40 buyin and the structure was really bad. Each player started with 2500 in chips and the blinds at 25-25 with 30 minute levels. I flopped a set on the second hand with 33 on a A43 flop and got no action. That was about how my day went, when I hit a flop I didn't get paid and when I whiffed and tried to steal I got played back at. I ended up have around 2k in chips when the blinds went up to 100-200 and I picked up KQs in the cutoff. It folded around to me and I shoved and the BB snap called me, but took at least 1 minute before he flipped up his cards while the dealer was counting out the chipstacks. He ended up showing AA and that was all she wrote. I was kind of ticked off he took so long to show his cards as I think it's bad poker ettiquette to slowroll someone. The event tommorrow is a 340 1/2 NLH 1/2 Omaha and I'll be skipping that since I'm not a big omaha player. The next event I'll be playing is on Thursday and it is a 500+50 buyin.

The last week or so has been very sick for IU basketball. But today was all worth it once they hired Tom Crean. He is an amazing coach who I think is better than anyone they could have gotten. Even though next year is going to be a rocky one I think he will put us back to the top within a couple of years. Also, I hope Tony Bennett loses every game he ever coaches. I'm not for sure how a guy like him can turn down the IU job. But I'm glad he did as I'm much happier having Tom Crean than him.

On a side note, Joby is going to be going to Vegas with me and matt this summer. He has been wanting to go ever since I can remember and this will be his first trip. So hopefully he has a good time and makes some money in the process. Well that about sums it up, talk at ya later.